Rebecca Sinclair PhD
88 N 1st Street
#15 and #18
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Phone: (929) 296-1624
Narrative of Services:
I provide results-oriented ExRP as the director of psychological services at Brooklyn Minds to many patients with OCD and provide behavioral and CBT treatment for related difficulties, using evidence-based treatment (HRT, interoceptive exposure, acceptance and commitment therapy). Our practice also offers medication management for OCD and will soon be offering transcranial magnetic stimulation for an additional treatment of OCD.
Panic Disorder. Interoceptive exposure therapy often integrated in OCD treatment.
Facilities accessible by clients of all mobility levels: Yes
Training Description:
I am a licensed psychologist who received my doctorate from St. John’s University. I trained in in evidence-based treatment at NYU Child Study Center and the Child & Family Institute in Westchester and have treated OCD, trichotillomania, skin picking, and tics for five years. I’ve attended multiple training sessions at ABCT on ExRP, HRT, and interoceptive exposure treatment.