OCD Ohanashikai
Global Partner
Contact Name: Masatoshi Arizono
#108 WhiteVilla
1-5-6 Nishikubo
Musashino-shi, Tokyo 1800013
Email: hareotoko_ari@yahoo.co.jp
Website: http://ocdsup.net/oha
“Ohanashi” means talking or chatting and “kai” means a society or a meeting in Japanese. “OCD Ohanashikai” has provided meetings to talk about OCD since 2006.
OCD is still relatively unknown in Japan. However, there are many patients and family menmbers suffering from problems related to OCD. In our meetings, participants can talk about their situations and minds and may listen to psychoeducation and circumstances about the treatment. Collaborating with other psychiatric-related organizations and people is also our mission.