NeuroBehavioral Institute (NBI) Ranch

Intensive Treatment Program, Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Director: Annette M. Nagle, PhD
Contact Name: Monica Lewis
2233 N Commerce Pkwy
Suite 3
Weston, Florida 33326

NBI Ranch is an adult (18+) supportive, residential living community designed to enhance treatment at NBI. It is in Southwest Ranches, FL, about 15 minutes from NBI clinic headquarters.

NBI Ranch provides a therapeutic, homelike, setting with 24/7 support and supervision from highly trained Residential Counselors (RC’s.)

RC’s provide transportation to the clinic and wellness-enhancing activities in the community, although some residents may qualify to use their own vehicle. Activities include, equine therapy, cooking groups, improv, grocery shopping, and community outreach.

In addition, RC’s collect meaningful data, under the supervision of a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, and provide behavioral observations to NBI clinicians that help inform treatment.

Reasons to consider the NBI + NBI Ranch combination include:

Inability to make or sustain progress while living at home, or after treatment in a more restrictive setting.
Require a higher level of structure and support, exhibiting significant impairment in interpersonal, school, work functioning, or activities of daily living (ADL’s.)
History of social isolation, would benefit from social skills training, or need extra help brining clinical progress into “real life”.

The NBI Ranch milieu is designed to foster residents’ sense of independence, capability for self-care, and change. It provides residents the opportunity to practice and generalize skills learned in treatment while residing in a nurturing and structured environment. The average length of stay at NBI Ranch is 1-3 months.

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