Liz Basanez Psychologist


Director of México sin Estrés®

Eugenio Sue 355-400
Ciudad de Mexico, D.F. 11550
Narrative of Services:

In México sin Estrés® (MSE®) we are specialized in Stress, Distress, Anxiety and its disorders: Panic Disorder, Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and related disorders; Generalized Anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress and Depression. We serve patients and their families under CBT, ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness and Systemic Therapy, as a team of a Psychiatric Approach.

Liz Basañez, after her own experience and MSE®, have helped more than 5,000 patients with mental health problems.
I have psychoeducated with MSE®, BTTI Mx and Universidad Anahuac both patients, families and Mental Health professionals with a correct treatment and responsible information based on evidence.

I am speacialized in Anxiety Disorders (Panic Disorder, GAD -Generalized Anxiety Disorder-, Phobias, Social Anxierty, Agoraphobia. Somatic Symptom Disorder, Anxiety Disease Disorder, Body Dismorphic Disorder, OCD and related Disorders. Depression, Bipolar Disease.

Facilities accessible by clients of all mobility levels: Yes

Training Description:

I am a Psychologist CBT with 27 years of experience and am the founder and director of México sin Estrés®, the 1st. CBT Center for Anxiety, OCD & Depression at Mexico (2001)

Liz Basanez and México sin Estrés® are Sponsors in Mexico of the BTTI (Behavior Treatment Therapy Institute) of the IOCD Foundation.

In 2000 I did a Fellowship at the St. Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute (SLBMI) under the tutelage of Dr. Alec Pollard as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist specialized in Exposure and Response Prevention (E/RP) in Anxiety Disorders, OCD and related disorders and Depression.